Opimian Free Delivery of wine

Dear IWFS Toronto Members,
We have some good news.We’re rolling out direct-to-consumer delivery for Opimian members in Ontario.That’s right, no more waiting months for the LCBO to get around to processing our orders and then schlepping out to pick it up at an LCBO store.Here’s the better news: there is no additional cost to you for this 3rd party direct delivery service. But we don’t want it sitting on your front porch to freeze or have it returned because no one was home.So, If the address in your Opimian profile is NOT where you are during regular business hours, we need you to update your address in your Dashboard to reflect where you will be Mon-Fri 9am-5pm. So we can safely deliver to you.Update Now Simply go to the site, log in, go to Profile, then Edit Profile and change your address to where we can safely deliver.That’s it.Please do this as soon as possible, as deliveries are pending from recent Cellars.Note: you will no longer get a pick up notice when your wine is ready. Instead, you will get an email note sent to you the day before, and a same day email/sms letting you know delivery is imminent.Seriously, Update Now If you have any questions about your specific delivery, or you wish to delay your delivery while you are on vacation, please contact FIL Delivery 416-628-1853 or by email.Sincerely,
The Opimian Member Services Team.